Cities: Skylines

My Role: Lead Designer / Programmer, UI Programmer Time Frame: February 2016 - June 2023
The Story
Cities: Skylines is a highly popular city-building game that has sold over 12 million copies.
I have contributed to numerous expansions for the title and worked on several aspects, from UI- and other programming to ultimately taking on a lead role in designing and developing the most recent expansions. My tasks included:
February 2016 – June 2021
UI Programmer & more
- Started out implementing UI features, later on also worked on other features, implementing SDKs, simulation code
- Designed panels, menus, occasionally contributed to game design
- Implemented tools to improve workflow
June 2021 – June 2023
Responsible for game design & development
- Writing game design documents, communication with the development team, customer and QA
- Coordinating development team tasks
- Designing game mechanics, collecting and choosing ideas
- Implementing features
A full list of the expansions I have been part of can be found as part of the project overview.